Thrive Movement Glossary


Movement - is all of the following:

  • the act of changing the bodies physical location,

  • the ability of the body to express various positions within the human movement sphere™ as well as the ability to transition from one position to another,

  • the ability of a body part to change from one position to another, and

  • is not bound to the intention of conditioning the body or limited to physical fitness attributes.

Physical activity - is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure. Physical activity can be categorized occupational, sports, exercise, activities of daily living. Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive and has as a final or an intermediate objective the improvement or maintenance of physical fitness.

Exercise - is a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive and has as a final or an intermediate objective the improvement or maintenance of physical fitness as well as for the purpose of conditioning the body including the restoration, maintenance, or expansion of one’s movement capacity.

Physical fitness - is a set of physical attributes that are either health- or skill-related. The degree to which people have these attributes can be measured with specific tests. The 8 biomotor abilities - strength, power, speed, agility, coordination, endurance, balance, and flexibility - are examples of the attributes.

Movement Fitness - a form of physical fitness that positions the restoration and maintenance of Movement Health™ as it’s core objective while integrating the 8 biomotor abilities - strength, power, speed, agility, coordination, endurance, balance, and flexibility - into the process.

Movement System - the integration of four bodily systems that facilitate human movement. The body’s movement system is made up of the following systems:

  1. nervous system (brain, spinal cord & nerves),

  2. the articular system (joints & joint structures - ligaments, cartilage, etc.), 

  3. the myofascial system (muscle & fascia), and 

  4. the skeletal system (bones).

Movement Health™ - the degree at which the body’s movement system is free of compromise, pain, and injury.

Human Movement Sphere™ - a conceptual way to view a human being’s given capacity to move. When a person has full access to their body’s capacity to move, they can move within the entirety of the sphere.

Movement capacity - the ability to demonstrate passive and active positions and motions within a joint or a series of joints or the ability to demonstrate passive and active degrees of freedom within a joint or series of joints.

Movement Mindset™ - a perspective or mental framework that informs human behavior related to movement and the way one inhabits their body with regards to Movement Health™.

Exercise Mindset - a perspective or mental framework that informs human behavior related to physical activity without sufficient knowledge of or consideration for Movement Health™.

Movement literacy - knowledge and understanding as it relates to the body’s movement system.

Body literacy - knowledge and understanding as it relates to the human body.

A Movement Lifestyle™ - a way of living that prioritizes Movement Health™ and movement focused well being.

Movement Therapy - a therapeutic based service that focuses on restoring Movement Health™.

MoveFit™ Personal Training - a fitness based service that focuses on increasing the performance of one’s current movement capacity/Human Movement Sphere™.

MoveFit™ Mobility Training - a mobility based service that focuses on restoring or expanding one’s movement capacity/Human Movement Sphere™.