Body & Movement Literacy


Body and movement education is a key factor to your success in overcoming movement restriction, compensation, chronic pain and injury. It is key factor in your pursuit of strength, flexibility, mobility, stamina, etc. while simultaneously mitigating injury. Unfortunately, in most cases, it gets little attention. Change begins with awareness and knowledge.  Becoming more familiar with your body and how it moves refines the intention you bring to behavior and supports lasting change.  Knowledge is power.  Knowledge about your body and how it moves is empowering.  Developing body and movement literacy empowers you to become the authority over your own body and increasingly better at caring for your body and your Movement Health™.

Body literacy is knowledge as it relates to the body. Movement literacy is knowledge as it relates to how the body moves. Become familiar with the components of your body’s movement system, learn about the movement forces that support the health of or that harm your body’s movement system and become familiar with how your body’s movement system is designed to produce movement.